
Showing posts from March, 2017

Difference between C and C++

What is C? C is a programming language developed at AT &T’s Bell laboratories of USA by Dennis  Ritchie. Soon  many people began to use C instead of other languages such as FORTRAN,ALGOL etc.C became so popular because it was simple,reliable and easy to use.C falls in middle level language which is in between High level languages or Problem oriented language and Low level or Machine oriented languages. What is C++? C++ was developed by  Bjrane Stroustrup at  AT &T’s Bell laboratories of USA. Stroustrup wanted  to develop an  object-oriented programming  language with the features of C.As a result C++ was  born.In  1983  Rick Mascitti coined the term C++. Difference between C and C++ C is function-oriented   language and C++ is object-oriented. C uses top to bottom approach while C++ uses the bottom to top approach. In C, we cannot give same name to a function and in C++ more  than one function can be created if the...

What is a domain name?

Domain name is a name by which a website is identified .Each website has a domain name that serves as an address, which is used to access the website.A domain name consists of two  parts.They  are  T op level domain(TLD)  and   Second Level Domain (SLD) . Top level domain. A top level domain can be called as domain name  suffix.All  websites will have a top level domain such as .com, .org, .in, .net ,.gov ,.edu   etc.The  top level domain helps identify the type of website which the domain name represents.For  example, .com suffix (top level domain) is used by commercial website, .org is used  by websites  of  non-profit organizations.The  domain along with the top level domain together form a domain name. Second level domain. Second level domain is a part of the domain name which is found in the  left of the top level  domain.Let  us consider  as an  exampl...

What is DNS?

DNS stands  for  domain name system .In the  recent post  we have discussed what a domain name is.Domain name is a name by which a website is identified.Internet is  based on IP  addresses.You  can access a website with directly with a domain name because DNS  translates the domain name into IP  address.If  there  was no DNS you will be asked to type  the  IP address of the  website which  you  wish to  visit. DNS  works by associating a unique IP address with each domain name. When a domain name is registered, it is assigned to more than one  nameservers (A name server translates domain names into IP addresses).The second nameserver responds if  the first server(primary server)  fails.When  we make a request to access a website, it locates the corresponding nameserver which finds server  with  corresponding  domain name and IP  address and gets the...

Parts of an email address

There are four parts for an email address which includes the  user name ,an  @ symbol, domain name ,a  dot  and the  domain .Let us know what these are. User name: This part is usually the name of the person to whom the mail is sent.( name @ ) @ symbol: This separates the user name and domain  name.The  symbol @ was invented by  Ray Thomilson  in 1971.(name @ yahoo .com) Domain name: This refers to the mail server,the place where your email is stored.(name@ outlook .com) Dot(.) :This separates part of the address. The domain :domain tells what type of web page you are using(.com,.org,.edu etc…).(name@outlook. in )

What is POP and IMAP

If you have ever tried to set up an email account,you would have noticed these  terms.What  are they?POP and IMAP are two protocols for accessing and viewing  emails.Now  let us look in detail what POP and IMAP is. POP POP stands for  Post Office Protocol. POP was created in 1984.It was used for downloading mail from a remote  server.POP  usually downloads all the mail from server and deletes them from the  server.Any  changes made from a device wont appear on other device if you are using this  protocol.For  example,if you marked a message as read,you will find the same as unread on the other device connected to your account. In 1985 POP2 and in 1988 POP3 was released offering more features. Advantages Saves server storage space. Messages are always accessible even without Internet because they are downloaded. Internet connection is needed only for sending and receiving mail. Disadvantages Any changes made on a device are to be mad...

Difference between http and https

You might have noticed that some websites will be prefixed with http or https in the address bar of your web  browser.What  is the difference between http and https?Le us see. HTTP HTTP stands for “Hypertext Transfer Protocol.” It is the system for transmitting and receiving information across server and the  client It dentifines commands and services used for transmitting web page data.A client can be a computer or a  mobile.when  you want to access a website,your browser sends request to the we server and the web server responds with an http status  code.But  http is not the safest way to establish a connection. http is insecure. Requires no certificate for validation. URL begins with HTTP. HTTPS HTTPS is different from  http.It  is often called a secure http  connection. HTTPS  is a combination of http and SSL/TLS  protocol.This  means that everything you send  or receive will be encrypted. Secure. Requires SS...

What are some basic Linux commands

A terminal is where everything is done in  Linux.To  work with terminal you should know the  commands.Given  below are some basic Linux commands. cd  This   command   is   used   to   navigate   to   a  Desktop will take you to desktop. cd   ..  This command will take you back to previous directory. cd   ~  This comment   will   take   you   to   the   home directory. ls  The ls command will give you a list of all the files and folders in the directory. pwd  This   will   print   the   current   working   directory. mkdir  The mkdir command is used to make a directory.Example:  mkdir myfile will create a directory with the name  myfile . top  The top (table of process) command will list you the current running processes and the processor usage along with some other  details.Hit ...

File hosting service

File hosting service or cloud storage service is an Internet hosting service which is used to host user  files.It  allows users to upload files which includes videos,photos documents etc that could be accessed over Internet using a computer smartphone or  Tablet.File  hosting service is also known as online file  storage.File  hosting service gives you and option to store,share and  sync your files. Examples for file hosting service is Dropbox,Google Drive,One drive  etc. Some  companies offers service for free which is supported by advertisements. Usually file hosting services such as Dropbox will charge you monthly or yearly if you have used the free storage space allowed.

How to password-protect your storage media

REQUIREMENTS 1)Windows OS. 2)Pen drive or memory card. PROCEDURE 1)Plug in your removable media. 2)Open file explorer and right-click the drive or device which you want to encrypt. 3)Click  turn on bit locker . 4)Select  use a password to unlock the drive  and enter the password. 5)Click  next . 6)Choose a suitable place where you would like to save the recovery password and click  next . 7)Now you can select any  option.Here  i select  encrypt entire drive .Click  next . 8)Wait till the process finishes.

C++ program to generate Fibonacci series

Program #include<iostream.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a=0,b=1,i,n,c; cout<<"enter the limit"; cin>>n; cout<<endl<<a<<b; for(i=2;i<=n;i++) { c=a+b; cout<<c; a=b; b=c; } return 0; }

Simple c program to add two numbers

Program #include<iostream.h> void main() { int a,b; printf("enter two numbers\n"); scanf("%d%d",&a,&b); printf("the sum is"a+b); } Output enter two numbers 5 6 the sum is 11

What are some data recovery softwares?

There are several data recovery softwares that can help to recover accidentally deleted files from your storage media.Following are some of them. 1)Recuva Recuva is a free data recovery tool that can bring back tour photos,videos,songs and much more from your hard disk or your USB drive. Download  recuva  here . 2)RecoveRx This software from Transcend can  bring back erased files which includes photos, documents, music and videos from  your storage device.RecoveRx is available for Microsoft Windows XP Microsoft Windows Vista Microsoft Windows 7 Microsoft Windows 8 Microsoft Windows 8.1 Microsoft Windows 10 Mac OS 10.7 or later Download  RecoveRx  here . 3)Pandora recovery Lost files from FAT and  NTFS formatted disk can be recovered using Pandora recovery.A main feature of this software is that it shows a preview  of erased files without recovering it. Download Pandora recovery  here .  4)EaseUS  Data  Recovery Wizard Another s...

Keyboard shortcuts for Windows

Several shortcut keys can be used to work with windows operating system faster.Following are some of them. Ctrl+A: Select all. Ctrl+C: Copy. Ctrl+X: Cut. Ctrl+V: Paste. Ctrl+Z: Undo. Ctrl+B: Bold. Ctrl+I: Italics. Ctrl+U: Underline. Ctrl+Escape: Open start menu. Ctrl+Shift+Escape: Task manager. F1: Help. F2: Rename. F3: Search files. F5: Refresh. Windows Logo: Start menu. Windows Logo+L: Log off Windows. Windows Logo+C: Opens Control Panel. Windows Logo+E: File explorer. Windows Logo+F: Search files and folders. Windows Logo+R: Dialogue  box. Windows Logo+M: Minimize all. Shift+Windows Logo+M: Undo minimize all. Windows Logo+D: Minimize all windows and display Desktop F6: Move over planes in file explorer. Alt+F4: Quit program. Shift+Delete: Permanently delete. Alt+Tab: Shift to other program. Alt+Space: System menu. Alt+Enter: Properties of a file. Backspace: Switch to previous folder in file explorer. Shift(5 times): Stikey keys. Alt=Left Shift+Print Screen: High contrast. Alt+Le...

How to password protect your storage media

REQUIREMENTS 1)Windows os. 2)Pen drive or memory card. PROCEDURE 1)Plug in your removable media. 2)Open file explorer and right-click the drive or device which you want to encrypt. 3)Click  turn on bit locker . 4)Select  use a password to unlock the drive  and enter the password. 5)Click  next . 6)Choose a suitable place where you would like to save the recovery password and click  next . 7)Now you can select any  option.Here  i select  encrypt entire drive .Click  next . 8)Wait till the process finishes.